Posted at 09:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Whether you're a new writer or a writer of repute that is looking to break into new markets here is a quick top seven list for you to make the change from becoming published to becoming even more published. Regardless of whether you're a new or established writer there are no shortcuts to success and publication. Writing is hard work and requires perseverance and dedication.
What's your secret to success in breaking into a new market?
Posted at 01:47 PM in Writing | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
Regardless of whether you’re a business owner or an individual with a dream, you want people to know about you and buy your “stuff,” right? If you have a blog you can become known as an expert, a thought leader, and can use your blog to engage your readers.
Are there bloggers out there that you simply love to read – so much so that you can’t get through a day without checking them out? What do they have that you don’t? They’ve found a way to make their blog a place where things are happening and they want to be part of it. What do the other pet bloggers have that you don’t? Probably a niche. What’s yours? If you can find it you can corner the market on it and soon readers will be flocking to your blog like kittens to a milk dish!
How will you set yourself apart and draw readers to your blog – not only draw them there, but keep them reading.
Posted at 08:11 AM in Weblogs, Writing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
You’ve written a book on, oh let’s say, “How To Write A Romance” and now you’re looking to snag a publisher. Which one will you choose? The book publisher that only publishes scholarly tomes on ancient Egyptian history or one that publishes sci-fi cozy mysteries? No, you will want to find a publisher that specializes in romance publishing, right? It would seem obvious but there are many people I found in my career as an editor who will simply see the work “publisher” in a search and drop their manuscript in the mail.
When I published my magazine – which was for writers and discussed the craft of writing – I would receive manuscripts on how to grow a garden, the number one brake pad on the market or the best grooming tips for your poodle. What the heck? Did they not read our guidelines? Apparently not, right? But, the worst part was when the writer would argue with me about the greatness of their manuscript and that I should publish it. Word to the wise… don’t argue with the editor.
All this information and more will be covered in my BlogPaws 2011 seminar session on Saturday morning! Have any questions you’d like me to answer? Send them along.
Posted at 08:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
You had a great time at BlogPaws, right? You handed out business cards, collected business cards, shook hands, petted pets and vowed to keep in touch. How's that working out? Have you connected? Here are some tips for post-conference follow up:
How far are you into your follow ups?
Posted at 11:43 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
While it's true that your blogging can -- and will -- be read by people from all around the world, have you ever considered blogging for the locals? If you're a pet blogger, chances are there is an animal shelter or rescue group in your area. There are probably even "meet ups" for people who love Poodles, Pugs, or Pomeranians, right? Are there agility groups that come to your neck of the woods? How about a dog or cat show? Who's writing about it? No one? Well, there's your niche!
If you've ever worked at a newspaper you can become a bit of a celebrity with the stories that you cover and the same goes for your blogging about local pet happenings. Do a Google search for animal-related events in your area -- choose a 50 mile radius -- then start making contacts. Send some emails, introduce yourself, send links to your blog, let them know that you're the go-to personal for all things animal!
From the small events to the large, you will have fodder for your blogging, make contacts within your local community which can then help you spread your influence to the larger pet community. Starting small, especially if you're just starting out as a blogger, is a fantastic way to build a reputation and grow your readership!
Posted at 02:41 PM in Pets in general, Weblogs, Writing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
If you weren't already aware, Blogpaws 2011 is fast approaching! Have you taken time to make your plan for the event? Here are a few of my favorite conference-attending-getting-ready-tips for you:
This is just a quick and dirty list to get you thinking about what you'll need to do for this -- and any -- conference. Bear in mind that at times conferences can get overwhelming and you can get information overload but relax, have fun and shake a lot of paws!
Be sure to look me up, say hello and attend my Saturday 11:30 am seminar, Snag the Publisher, Advertiser or Sponsor of Your Dreams.
Posted at 01:03 PM in Pets in general, Web/Tech, Weblogs, Writing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The countdown to Blogpaws 2011 continues and I am in the midst of stringing up a dog bone chain -- you know like the ones you made out of red and green construction paper at Christmas time when you were a kid. I've made my travel plans, have found a roomie for the conference and have made my plans for Henrietta to be taken care of while I am away.
Blogpaws is a great event for pet lovers who are coming with pets in tow and I'd love to bring Henrietta but I know her limitations with crowds and especially with unfamiliar locations, sights, sounds and yes, other four-legged would-be friends. Hen and I have driven cross country three times now and she is an amazing traveling companion when strapped firmly into her harness and surrounded by the sounds of the road and her toys, blanket and food dish. When we stop at rest stops and hotels for the evening though, she works herself into a state of anxiety that isn't good for either of us. She paces, pants, jumps (and barks) at every noise -- not good for a restful night's sleep for either myself or the other hotel guests.
Typically when we make a rest stop there other families traveling along with their beloved pets and again, it is a time fraught with high tension for Henrietta. As much as it pains me to consider leaving her home and for as much as I know she will pant, pace and fret while I am gone, her anxiety levels will be much lower if she stays behind than if she travels along to Virginia.
The point of all of this? Do you have pet etiquette? Is your pet going to be a good guest and a good attendee at Blogpaws, or anywhere that you take him or her along with you? Will your pet be nervous or is he one of those pets that simply thrives in chaos and new environments? Does your pet make a good hotel roommate? Will he or she play nice with others in the doggy daycare setting?
Believe me, it's very hard for me to not want to bring Henrietta along to show her off because she is the "cutest and best Poodle in the whole entire world," as I tell her every night but she's not much of a partygoer and we know our limitations.
Make sure you track me down at the conference because believe me, I have a telephone full of pictures of Henrietta!
Posted at 01:04 PM in Pets in general, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
There comes a time in every pet lover’s life when you have to ask yourself, “Is it possible that I need to interact with humans more often?” If you’ve ever wondered if you spend too much time home
alone with Fluffy or Fido, here’s a checklist to make that determination:
I will admit that a couple of the items in the top ten jump out at me for reasons I should get out of the house more, but then Henrietta is not seeming herself today so I can run those errands tomorrow, right?
Posted at 10:13 AM in Weblogs, Writing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: cats, dogs, pets, snookie
I can't remember if I've ever mentioned this, but my Mom always listens to talk radio. I mean, where's the music or the soothing sounds of puppies barking? Anyway, getting back to the topic of this post... for the last few days all I have been hearing on the radio is talk about "weiner." Naturally, I ran around looking for some Oscar Meyer or Zweigle's in my dinner dish, to no avail.
Then I realized, it's a Congressman? I mean, really don't get a poodle's hopes up if it's all just a tease and there is going to be no good, beefy follow-through in my dinner. Current events, who needs 'em?
Posted at 07:20 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Anthony Weiner, hot dogs, oscar meyer, scandal, zwiegle's